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Teach Your Dog His or Her Name

Teach Your Dog His NameIf you are a new dog owner, you most-likely just chose the perfect name for your sweet little pup or adopted dog. Many dog owners take their time when finding a name for their dog. Chances are your pup or adopted dog probably had a name that the breeder or temporary caregiver gave him or her. Most pet parents prefer naming their dog with a new name once they arrive home. Now that you have the perfect name you will need to teach your dog to respond.

Dog owners will want to avoid using their dog’s name in a moment of anger. This often happens when a dog owner looses their patience and yells at their dog for bad behavior. While it is never good to yell at your dog, it is even worse to use their name. Remember those days when your parents would say your entire first, middle and last name when you were in trouble? It would strike fear into you! This will be the same result for your pup. This is why it is important to use your dog’s name in positive situations only and always say it with a smile in your voice. Once your dog has learned his or her name you will want to stop using the treats to get his or her attention. The tasty reward should be replaced with verbal praise and a pat on the head.

Photo credit: nguyen hoangnam/Flickr