- Dog Names Woof - https://www.dognameswoof.com/blog -

Murphy Rolled in Something!

Do you notice how she is studiously ignoring me?

She knows she rolled in something dead and putrid and she is secretly very satisfied about it.

Ho man, she came happily trotting into the kitchen last night looking incredibly contented and the smell just about knocked me off my feet! Wow.

I quickly hustled her back out, and with my trusty flash light, I took a look around to see what she could possibly have rolled in. I never did find it, so I have no idea what she got into.

At that late hour I couldn’t bathe her, so I sprayed some flea tick stuff on that I never use, but has a perfume-like smell. I just wanted to mask the stench enough to get through the night.

And then, can you believe she was perverse enough to keep trying to rub up and get close to me!!! That rat!!!!

I bathed her today, but she still has an underlying odor that I can’t seem to get out.

If any of you have any suggestions how to get icky dead animal smell out of her coat, please drop me a comment! I would really appreciate it.

Murphy won’t but she’ll just have to live with it!
