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The Art of Naming a Dog – 6. January, 2016

The Art of Naming a DogYour dog’s name is the most important word they will ever learn. While many dog parents may choose to give their dog two to three names, similar to a first, middle and last name, others prefer just one name. Either way you will want to choose just one name when addressing your dog. Keep in mind that dogs are able to comprehend and retain a number of words and his or her name should be one of them. If you are calling for your dog using all two to three names you may be causing confusion. Choose just one name for your dog and stick to it.

Avoid Confusion

Your dog will learn a variety of command words throughout his or her lifetime. Sit, come, stay and many other verbal commands are essential to training your dog to be obedient. When naming your dog, make sure you so not choose a name that rhymes with any of the verbal command words you will be using for training purposes. Keep in mind what language you will be using when speaking to your dog. Some dog owners will use their native language or second language to speak to their dog. Some pet parents like to stay true to the dog’s breed. They will use the German language commands for their German shepherd even though the dog owner is not fluent in German. Whichever language you choose to use, be certain that they don’t sound similar to the name you choose for your dog. This will only cause your dog confusion and disturb their focus when trying to adhere to your commands.

Choose a Canine or Human Name?

Some dog owners may prefer to treat their dog like if it was their child, therefore, giving the dog a humanized name such as Suzanne or Jonathan. Naming the dog in this manner helps the pet parent feel more capable of treating the dog like a human child. While other dog owners prefer to treat their dogs like a canine and prefer names that are more suited for a dog. Before naming your dog you will want to take into consideration how you feel about the dog and if you plan to treat it more like a human or a canine. This will help guide you to specific names suited for either choice.

You most-likely thought carefully about your dog’s name. Many dog owners choose a creative name that they feel suits their dog. Once you have the perfect name chosen, try it out on your dog. Begin by calling your dog by the name and saying the name out loud about three to five names while looking at your dog. Surprisingly you may feel that the perfect name you have chosen doesn’t quite match the expressive, soulful eyes or compassionate personality of your dog. At this point it is back to the beginning stages of naming your dog. When choosing a name for your dog it is wise to consider a few names before finally deciding on the true name.

Photo credit: MythicSeabass/Flickr