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Crate Training Your Puppy – 10. April, 2012

By Amy Tokic

Puppy crate training is a great way to make sure your puppy stays safe. It is a wonderful tool for creating good habits in puppies and for preventing problem behaviors later on.

First and foremost, the main reason we crate train puppies is for their benefit. Another reason is that it helps protect personal items in our homes. Soon, your puppy will love its crate, as it becomes its own personal area that they will consider its den. Here are a few benefits the crate offers:

•An important use of the crate is in the puppy housebreaking process. Crate training is the most effective way to teach your puppy to do its business outside.

•Crating a puppy teaches it to chew on the toys we give them. It also lets them know what we don’t want them chewing on. This is important when setting up good habits and preventing destructive habits that can be hard to break.

•Your puppy is safe from dangerous household items while in its crate. Your puppy could be injured or killed after chewing wires, ingesting poisons or eating foreign objects.

•Separation anxiety is a problem for some puppies. Using a crate can help reduce the chance of your puppy from developing this issue. The crate is a place where your dog feels calm, out of trouble and can be accustomed to being alone.

•The crate is the perfect place to keep your puppy confined if you have friends or visitors coming and going from your home and don’t want it to get into any trouble.

• Since most crates are lightweight and portable, you can move the crate and puppy from room to room.

•Most crates fit into a car, so your puppy’s traveling experience is safer and less stressful.

•When your puppy grows to love its crate, it makes trips and stays at places like the vet and groomers a much more enjoyable experience.

•When crate training is done properly, your puppy can’t get into any trouble, which reduces any need to discipline it. This is a much better environment for both for you and the dog to live in.

•If you are interested in competitive obedience training, fly-ball or agility training, the crate is a great place to confine your puppy in between training sessions and competition.

Apart from your puppy, what else should you put in the crate? Here is a list of the basics:

Bedding : Choose a comfy dog bed that can’t be chewed up by your pup. Be sure to choose bedding suited to your living environment.

Chew toys: Buy a few good chew toys that you can stuff with treats and even freeze. This keeps your puppy busy and teaches it what is appropriate to chew on.


Water: Keep a supply of clean, fresh water handy. Heavy wide based bowls that won’t be tipped over are best or you can buy one that clips onto the crate wall.