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How to Socialize Your Dog – 12. January, 2015

Teaching your dog to adapt to human society should begin when they are puppies, at the age of less than a month up to three months old.

They are interested and eager to be introduced to noises, smells, sights people of all types, buildings other dogs and animals. Depending on your lifestyle and where you live you have to introduce your dog to garbage trucks, trains, cats, crying babies, children screaming at school, crowds, and livestock if you live on a farm. Introducing them to being handled by your veterinarian and when you groom him is also very important when he is young. This age is specific for them to adjust to society and not be startled and jump every time they hear a bird chirp or a leaf falls to the ground next to them.  It is harder to socialize your dog after four months old because they become fearful and unacceptable of things around them. Pet dogs need to develop into enjoyable, happy and safer pets when you socialize them early and they will live peaceful and relaxed lives.

Socializing your dog is a big job. While training your dog be sure that he is not being overpowered by what is happening around him as he is shown a new experience and he feels at ease and not frightened. You could take your dog to a park where there are children playing and other people are walking their dogs and let him interact with them. If your dog is frightened by all this activity, distance him from the crowd. Hold and pet him so he feels secure then give him a treat. If he is too frightened by all the noise, take him to another park that has very few people and let him enjoy the peaceful surroundings. Then try going back to the park after a while of socializing in less stressful surroundings. As he adapts to this situation be sure to praise him and also reward him with treats so he remembers that this is a happy experience and will look forward to it again. Another fun thing to do is to have a puppy party and invite family and friends over and let your dog have a one on one experience with everyone, playing games like tug of war or fetching a ball, giving him praise and treats.

Walk your dog down your street and as he comes in contact with your neighbors have them pet him and play with games with him. Take your dog to outdoor restaurants so he can hear people and children talking, the dishes making noise and see people walking by the restaurant and coming up to your dog to pet him.

Take your dog to a dog park and let him play with dogs his own size, so he doesn’t feel threatened by a large dog towering over him. A car ride is a wonderful experience for your dog to enjoy. Dogs love it when the wind blows in their face and seeing people and interacting with other dogs in the cars when you are stopped at a light

Swimming comes natural to dogs, so taking your dog to the beach   throwing a stick in the water and on the sand as you play fetch is a lot of fun and great exercise that your dog will enjoy for many hours.

Introducing your dog to all these fun and exciting experiences will make him a happy, content, fun, and well adjusted family member that will love you unconditionally and give you years of complete joy.

Photo credit: Jim’s Photos1/Flickr

Posted in Dog Obedience