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Top 12 Irish Dog Names – 11. April, 2017

Ireland is the land of green and it is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. The ancient culture of Ireland is rooted in Gaelic myth and folklore and the Irish are still very concerned with luck and tradition. If you are looking for the perfect name for your dog, why not consider one of these Irish-themed dog names?

  1. Clover – Nothing is more Irish than a lucky four-leaf clover and it is also the perfect name for your new furry friend! With a name like Clover you can expect good fortune to follow you wherever your dog takes you!
  2. Patty – Inspired by St. Patrick himself (or the holiday named after him), Patty is the perfect name for a dog with a spunky personality. One thing is for sure, a dog named Patty will always be your good luck charm!
  3. Buttercup – The Buttercup is a lovely yellow flower that blooms throughout the spring and summer. These little flowers can be found growing in the wild fields of Ireland, adding a pop of color to the beautiful green countryside. Buttercup just might be the perfect name for your golden-coated dog.
  4. Dublin – If you are looking for an Irish-inspired dog name that doesn’t make a reference to luck or the color green, why not choose the name of Ireland’s capital? Dublin was founded as a Viking settlement and it is a city rich with culture and history.
  5. Charm – If you have a small dog with a charming personality or if you feel like your furry friend is your personal good luck charm, why not name him Charm? If you translate the word Charm from the Greek it means “grace” or “kindness” which might be perfectly fitting for your little dog.
  6. Emerald – Do you have a dog with green eyes and a precious personality? Then Emerald just might be the perfect Irish-inspired name. The emerald is a precious gemstone known for its rich green color but your emerald will be much more precious than any stone.
  7. Patrick – This is an Irish baby name that means “noble”. This name could also be given in reference to Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. No matter which inspiration speaks to you, this is the perfect name for a male dog.
  8. Copper – If you have a dog with a red coat, Copper just might be the perfect name. Not only will it match your dog’s coloration, but it is reminiscent of the copper penny, an Irish good luck charm!
  9. Puca – Also known as Pooka or Puka, this name belongs to a fairy creature of Irish folklore. The Puca is considered the bearer of both good and bad fortune which might be the perfect name for a dog who has a good heart but a tendency to get into trouble. With a dog named Puca you never know what to expect!
  10. Goldie – The Irish love their gold – after all, that’s what the leprechauns keep at the end of the rainbow! The perfect name for a fair-haired dog, you will find that your Goldie is worth her weight in gold.

Whether you hail from Ireland yourself or you simply have an appreciation for Irish culture, consider one of these Irish-inspired names for your next dog.

Photo credit: rebius/bigstock