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Murphy’s Check Up! – August 8th, 2006

Yesterday was Murphy’s yearly check up at the vet. She is doing really well, but once again the one thing that needs extra attention right now is her teeth!

Does anyone out there have a dog with bad teeth? If you do, what do you do to keep them clean?

The Murphs, as we call her, has had 4 back molars pulled already due to cracking, and just plain old bad teeth.

I was told to start having them cleaned every year to keep them healthy. Sounds reasonable to me; I have my teeth cleaned every 6 months, so why shouldn’t hers need it too?

Does anyone know if this is enough to help? I know I won’t brush her teeth daily, so that is out, but is there anything else I should be doing to keep her mouth happy?

If you do, please leave me a comment!

Meanwhile, I will do my best to keep her healthy by getting her teeth cleaned at the vet every year.




3 Responses to “Murphy’s Check Up!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I have read about a tooth “sealant” that you only have to put on once a week. It helps fight tooth plaque and build up. You might ask your vet about it?

  2. Anonymous says:

    I think this is a really good idea – we had a dog, and I believe her heart problems were linked to her always-bad teeth.

  3. Anonymous says:

    There is some stuff made by Aquafresh for pets that you put in their drinking water and also a gel you put on their teeth at night which helps break down the tarter before it becomes plaque. It also helps with bad breath.

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