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Recently Added dog Names

dog's Name Photo The Story Behind the Name
Youri Broken Name

This name comes after my Girlfriends name..Suddenly we broke up..

Revali BOTW Zelda

Revali as in Revali from legend of zelda breath of the wild!

Chevy Cur Dog

Had a large Catahoula hound and bulldog mix. Named him Chevy, best cur dog I ever had.

Seriously Seriously?

Trying to find names for two puppies, thinking about current popular phrases, and Seriously came to mind...cracked me up laughing when I imagined me going to the door and calling "Seriously! Seriously"......and "WhoKNEW, WhoKnew!" lol

Percy Findind a different name

Well, there isn't really anything to tell but, my family fostered a dog. When we got him, his name was Percy. I personally like it a lot, but my parents don't so we are trying to find different name. :(

Tyrona Cyrus Rex (T. Rex) English dinosaur

I had a Yorkie that I was fostering and trying to find a suitable name....he had such personality I immediately thought of T Rex (Tyranasaurusrex ?) and while looking up English names I came across Cyrus and then thought of Tyrone and changed it to Tyrona to make it similar to the dinosaur's......I think it would be great for a BIG

AudraLyn Two-part Name

It is a two part, combination, name. Audra from the old TV show, "The Big Valley" and my name, Lyn.

Pear A Pear thats not a pair

I met a lady whose name was Pear and I loved the name and thought it was unique and that if I had a child that was a girl thats what I'd name her. But I never had a child. However have had several dogs but never used the name until now when I got a female pug.


my puppys name is lily because of the flower and it really suits her. sometimes if shes bad we use her full name; lily belle

Sparta!!! Have some fun with your dog's name

I named my reverse brindle boxer Sparta!!!.
I had a childhood and a previous female boxer(s) of my own. Each had proved to be a warrior princess so I figured I needed a good, solid and fun name for my next warrior princess.
I settled on Sparta but chose to add three exclamation points to her name, because simply it's so fun to say Sparta!!! with feeling (think the movie 300.) Two exclamation points are just not enough and four just seemed ridiculous.
When first introduced , an overwhelming majority of men yell a whispered "Sparta!!!" when meeting her. A few women do as well.

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